Tuesday, February 10, 2009


baking our cookies
random cam whore moment
my bestie!
formal wear in TGIF.
so we have been friends for 3 years now.knew her since f1 but somehow things gotten worst with our friendship and we started bitching about each other for a whole year,well you know who to be blame for..we can talk on the phone for hours and laugh til our tummy sore and yet not get bored of each other.guess we cant be bored of each other cause we seems to have the same behavior..for example:bitchy,tend to pms like always,sampat,sleep like pigs,loves food and we love clothes...ahh!i cant tell you how much i appreciate you as my bestie..and i love you many many!
p/s just a reminder we are suppose to be dieting for our cheer and our pageant god dammit!
p/s/s i love you many many!from the bottom of my heart
p/s/s/s Kenny is wayyyyyy better than male bitch.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

half way there...to nowhere

have been away long enough so i stop by here and update this old rusty blog..okay so Happy Chinese New Year everyone!i know is so way overdue but as you know I'm a very lazy person.and the fact that no one is here viewing this blog so why not abandon it?muahahaha!anyway i noticed i dint post up any pangkor or our prom or any recent pics..will catch up with that later..in the meantime guess what I'm freaking interested in like right now?i want to try out bling-ing my own phone!i have thought of being a bling artist..just bling-ing stuff away but i guess is not a very stable job..and as of this moment still cracking my head what i really love to do!i wrote down my dreams and to my horror i find myself loving everything and i just cant stick to 1 job.mann this sucks!what if i don't come out a successful person?my dreams of becoming a rich bitch with a big collection of pretty clothes,shoes,bags,jewelry..and big houses near a beach,staying on the upper east side..god dammit everything will be ruin! :( okay anyway back to blings anyone know where to buy those blings?please tell me..
camwhore pics:(just had to!)